Monday, 7 October 2013

New old track.

Unreleased track from May 2012. Liked it, hated it, like it again.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

UK Harsh Noise Wall and Wall Noise festival, 22/06/13

All-day festival of Harsh Noise Wall and Wall Noise. The Windmill, London. Doors at 5:00pm. £6 advance, £7 on the door. BBQ.
Violent Gay Stripper
Genetic Noose
Marlo Eggplant
Small Hours
Cole Peters
Clive Henry
A View From Nihil

Sunday, 28 April 2013

2013 live recordings, incl. new material

I've uploaded two recent live recordings to my soundcloud. One of these features unreleased material.
Oh, and this blog's address and title have now changed from Order of the HNW to A View From Nihil.

Monday, 8 April 2013

AVFN live March & April 2013

AVFN played the Crater Lake All Dayer fest in Leeds the other month. I had a great time and made lots of new noise friends. Here's a write-up of the fest, including a review of my set. Thanks to Pete for the experience and his hospitality. Thanks also to Pascal for the review.
I also played a great gig in Glasgow at Kenny's house with the excellent HN act Svartvit. Thanks to Kenny for that one.
The next gig will also be in Glasgow, this time back to the 13th Note, on Thursday the 18th of April.
New Wave of 13th Note Noise
There is no new AVFN material worthy of anyone's time.